The Division of Water has reported that the Whitesburg Consumer Advisory, or No Contact Advisory, has been lifted. Citizens are advised to flush out their pipes by turning on all faucets for 20 minutes to rid pipes of all tainted water. Below is the Press Release from the Kentucky Division of Water.
Water consumer advisory in Letcher County lifted
Leaking diesel fuel found upstream from Whitesburg water intake
FRANKFORT, Ky. – (Feb. 15, 2011) – The Kentucky Division of Water has lifted a consumer advisory for 1,300 drinking water customers in Whitesburg in Letcher County. The advisory was put into place Saturday when a diesel fuel leak was discovered at an oil storage site located one-half mile upstream from the plant.
Laboratory results indicate nondetectable amounts of diesel fuel in the treated water on two consecutive days of analyzed water samples. Samples taken immediately after the spill was reported revealed unacceptable amounts of diesel fuel in the finished product.
The Department for Environmental Protections Environmental Response Team (ERT) received reports Saturday of a petroleum odor in the water plant distribution system as well as a sheen on the North Fork of the Kentucky River. The spill was contained by Monday. Water plant operations were shut down as a precaution and bottled water was made available to residents and businesses.
The source of the leak has been identified at the Childers Oil Bulk Facility, where a remote underground pipeline associated with an above-ground storage tank leaked due to equipment malfunction. Investigation into the incident continues and remediation of the contaminated site is underway.
A consumer advisory is issued when there is a possibility that consumption of water produced by a water treatment plant may be harmful to human health. Whitesburg Water Works will continue to monitor the water intakes and maintain the activated carbon units to effectively treat the source water.