DATE; January 18, 2011
TIME: 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM
ATTENDANCE: Wes Addington, Sam Adams, Mark Kidd, Regina Donour, Roy Crawford, Cynthia Cole, Beth Dorsey, Jennifer Malan, Kristal Chipman, Dillon Fisher, and Clary Estes
Agenda Items
Implementation of Brushy Fork Institute Grant
Discussion with Beth Dorsey (Jenkins HS teacher) regarding building capacity in
the Jenkins area. Agreed to an initial and clean up schedule as follows:
- Feb 10th 5:30 Meeting in Jenkins with alternate weather days of Feb 15th and 17th
- Clean up tentative dates in Jenkins during the week of March 10-18th – will organize a trash cleanup on a Saturday for locals. College students from Iowa will be here during this week and work with Clary, Headwaters Board, and Doris/Jennifer to coordinate community service activities with possibly working on outdoor classroom at Jenkins HS and trash cleanup
Discussion of hiring Carol Mayes Associates as consultant to develop a year
long action plan
- Regina shared that she had spoken with Carol about the contract sent to Board Members regarding contracting with her organization to serve as facilitator of the process of developing an action plan
- Clary, Regina, and Carol will collaborate to develop a survey for board members to complete along with other important stakeholders
- Contract calls for Carol to hold telephone conferences with members of the board as well as Regina and Clary individually. Carol will facilitate a 3 to 4 hour board retreat with the entire board to work through the process.
- Regina discussed with Carol the cost for travel and lodging and it was discuss and agreed that the cost would remain within the $500 budgeted amount.
- Regina motioned and Sam seconded that we sign a contract to hire Carol Mayes Associates to act as consultant for Headwaters.
Video Project – “What is your water story?”
Clary introduced Dillon Fisher (local videographer), as a volunteer, Dillon has
offered to work with high school students to edit any videos produced and work
Clary to get videos on the website and You Tube. They are scheduled to meet
every Wednesday at 4:00 to edit Video.
Trail Project
Discuss with the Board about the status of the trail development. Roy Crawford
attended the meeting because of his concerns of the development of the trail and
who might have the use of the trail (ATV, Mountain Bikers, Horses, Hikers??)
- Suggested that a sub committee be formed to work on the trail
- Possible Funding Opportunities through Tourism
- Working with Dr. Narramore to develop the trail
- Create ties with the College to Develop an Outdoor Club
- Apply for 3-C group to come in and work on trail creation
- Set a tentative date of Feb. 19th for members of the board and interest parties to hike the trail.
Grants Status:
- Regina agreed to talk to Malissa McAlister regarding the KRWW grant and possibly making readjustments to the budget so grant can be completed.
- Sam motioned and Mark seconded that the money from the Norcross grant be spent for the ecoli test plates and the GPS be purchased after the Brushy Fork grant is implemented (concerns were expressed if the Norcross money is spent then the cash reserve would be greatly affected – especially since the Brushy Fork Grant is reimbursement).
- Regina completed the Volunteer Engagement Survey and ACCWT said that the checks should be sent out by the first week of February. Sam motioned and Regina seconded that the money from the Volunteer Engagement Grant be used to pay the matching funds to ACCWT FOR Clarys matching funds.
Board Development:
- Agreed to have a working board meeting at Regina’s House on Feb. 14th at noon. Regina will provide food and the board will work on following:
o Values, Goals, and Vision developed with the Mission Statement
o All Board Members agreed to read through the suggested By Laws that Clary had previously sent for discussion.
o Fund Raising Activities
Other Items:
- Roberston Scholar – agreed to continue the relationship with the program – Clary agreed to write up a brief description of responsibilities for the candidate for this summer
- Betsie Carroll (CAPP) Regina agreed to contact her regarding the placement of a VISTA with Headwaters
- Website: Mark is working on the website. Presently it is up and running and Mark is hosting it on his server but the Board needs to look at changing this over to a server that we are paying.
Sam motioned and Mark seconded to adjourn the meeting. All members agreed.