
“Letcher County is blessed with abundant water resources, and the Headwaters organization provides critical assistance to local citizens who are interested in protecting these water supplies for future generations.” – Malissa McAlister, Kentucky River Basin Coordinator, UK Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute

It is a citizen’s right to speak up for protecting their water and natural environment. Headwaters, Inc. serves as an organized voice for local citizens to express concerns about their water resources and help find solutions to water pollution issues. We want to improve our county for current citizens, as well as for our visitors and future generations.

Your donation will help ensure the future sustainability of water resources in Letcher County.

Making a tax-deductible gift is fast, easy and secure. Use your credit card to make an online donation and join the effort to preserve the headwater streams in Letcher County.

For more information on ways to support Headwaters, Inc., please contact

Headwaters’ single largest source of support is you!


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