Author: admin

Litter, Streams, and Recycled Birdhouses

Each week, Garth Adams and Alex Beer visit the Outdoor Education class at Letcher County Central High School to teach lessons about watershed health. Most recently, lessons have been focused on littering and its impact on water quality. In learning…

Best Management Practices

On December 11th, Garth Adams and Alex Beer visited Letcher County Central High School’s Outdoor Education Class and led a lesson on Best Management Practices (BMP’s) for local waterways. The BMP’s discussed were simple practices residents can carryout to positively…

KRA Grant Award

Headwaters is proud to announce we have received the 2017-2018 Kentucky River Authority watershed grant for $3,000. This grant will be used to purchase environmental education materials such as tap water test kits and water cycle models, just to name a…

Thank You to the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation

Headwaters is happy to announce the award of a $1,000 grant from the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation. This funding will support community focused watershed improvement efforts and allow Headwaters to continue current education and engagement projects. Small grant awards and donations…

Forest and Watershed Education

With community education surrounding watershed health being part of the mission of Headwaters, our organization has recently expanded education efforts. Each Monday for the past several weeks, Headwaters has visited the Outdoor Education class at Letcher County Central High School.…

Appalachian Community Fund Award Announcement

Headwaters is pleased to announce the award of $1,000 from Appalachian Community Fund! This funding will support training fees, materials, and necessary travel. This allows Headwaters to pursue important training opportunities along with organizational development. Support for these purposes contributes to…

The Clean Water Rule and Its Potential Repeal

In February, shortly after taking office, President Trump signed an Executive Order beginning the process to repeal the Clean Water Rule and replace it with a set of rules that would weaken regulations surrounding water protection. The Clean Water Rule…

New AmeriCorps VISTA to Serve with Headwaters

Headwaters is pleased to welcome Garth Adams as the next AmeriCorps VISTA to serve the organization. Adams will be serving in the capacity of Community Program Coordinator. He will lead community engagement and education efforts surrounding watershed health and work on…


The Cumberland River Compact in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy of Tennessee, developed a new interactive watershed tool called iCreek . iCreek provides easy access to stream quality information for the Cumberland River Basin. This new tool offers a fun and…