Author: tarence

The Wall Street Journal takes note of the human toll caused by the coal industry’s decline in eastern Kentucky. The article points to the influx of cheap natural gas, combined with the rise of mining and transportation costs of central…

Can Letcher County Be Toured by River?

On Saturday, May 11th, 10 volunteers with Headwaters, Inc. canoed and kayaked 18 miles from Whitesburg to Blackey. Below, we have reprinted The Mountain Eagle’s press coverage of the event. The link to the article can be found here. Can…

Recent Spring Service Projects

Headwaters, Inc. has been very busy lately with service projects that highlight environmental stewardship and community service! Below are some pictures from two of our most recent projects. Clean-up of the Kentucky River’s North Fork with Mountain Alliance volunteers Trail…

March 30th Reforestation at Fishtrap Lake

On March 30th, 2013, 30 student volunteers from Letcher County Central High School participated in reforesting a pre-regulatory strip job at Fishtrap Lake, Pike County. Among the other participants were students from Oberlin College, AmeriCorps VISTA members, and a full AmeriCorps…

KRWW 2012 Water Sampling Results – Pathogens

Every year, Headwaters partners with the Kentucky River Watershed Watch (KRWW) to gather data on herbicides, pathogens, metals and nutrients within the Letcher County watershed of the Kentucky River.  Below we have provided a map that plots all of the points in…

Fall 2011 Metals Sampling Results & Report

On November 19th, 2011, volunteers with Headwaters Inc. conducted heavy metals sampling of fourteen streams and twelve streambeds in the Kentucky River watershed of Letcher County. Headwaters, Inc. co-founder and former AmeriCorps VISTA Evan Smith and current VISTA Tarence Ray have…