Click here to Download the Full Report Selected Report Condition ( s ): Incident ID = 2324053 Page 1 of 2 2/28/2011 Incident Description Report 2324053 Emergency Letcher Whitesburg 2/12/2011 11:47:00AM L709 L ead Investigator : Env Protection Status :…
Tag: diesel spill
Whitesburg Water Plant Issued Notice of Violation after Diesel Spill The Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection has issued a notice of violation at Whitesburg’s water treatment plant for problems found during a diesel spill earlier this month into the North Fork of the Kentucky River upstream from the plant.…
Time Line of Diesel Spill Events as Documented by the Kentucky Division of Water
Timeline of events for Whitesburg diesel spill Feb. 12, 2011 Sat., Feb. 12 At approximately noon on Saturday, Feb. 12, the Whitesburg drinking water plant notified the Kentucky Environmental Response Team (ERT) that several customers had called the plant to…
Updates on the Diesel Spill from the Division of Water
As of 4pm on Monday February 14th 2011, the report by the Division of Water on the diesel Spill in Whitesburg goes as follows; The tests have proven positive for diesel being in the North Fork of the Kentucky River.…
Coverage of the water advisory in the Lexington Herald-Leader
The Herald-Leader published a piece indicating that the current advisory stems from a fuel spill: